Hereford College of Arts


What was the goal?

Hereford College of Arts is an independent arts school, rooted in place but connected to the world. They hold open events and personal campus tours of their Hereford campuses throughout the year for both their prospective college-level and degree-level students.

Clone Media were appointed to raise awareness of their Mature Student Open Event, focussing on boosting the attendance rate. We’ve seen tremendous results with our DoorDrop campaigns for other educational institutions, so we were a natural fit.

Our approach

3 things we considered

We located postcode sectors with high concentrations of their target demographic as the base for this campaign.


Adults aged 26-65


Those interested in Creative Arts


Within a 10 mile radius of 3 College campuses

Our solution

How did we help?

What we did

Using our simple scoring metric, we ranked each applicable postcode sector against the three target criteria. The results were then fed back to HCA; they selected the most suitable areas for us to send to.


With timescales agreed, we then managed the print of the mailer and ensured it arrived through letterboxes ahead of the Mature Student Open Event.

The outcome

What happened?


The results

With the help of our DoorDrop campaign, HCA saw a 114% increase in attendance at this event. A huge jump compared to the average number of students that have historically attended!

This is one of our best performing campaigns ever for Open Day attendees. Can’t wait to do another one!
Get in touch

Luke led this project!

Want to know more? Click the link below to chat to Luke about DoorDrop.
Headshot of Luke Symes, Direct Mail and Print Marketing specialist at Clone Media